This is directly from DAILY PLANETARY GUIDE by Llewellyn -- a must have for aspiring astrologers. Read on to see if the world will end.
"In the night sky, it is the time that the Sun and our entire solar system will enter the dark rift in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. December 21 has become the focal point of this alignment because it is the end date in the Mayan Long Count calendar, but strictly speaking this merger takes hundreds of years to occur and it is impossible to assign it a fixed date. In spite of the Mayan calendar and the assertions of what these end times will contain, it is our belief that the Winter Solstice 2012 is not the end of the world, but that it is the end of a very long cycle. This cycle is called The Great Year and lasts for 26,000 years. From an astrological perspective the galactic alignment is the time when our solar system is at the darkest or the midnight point of the Great Year. In our calendar year of 365 days, the Winter Solstice is the day of greatest darkness.
It is an ending, but is is not the end of the world. This Winter Solstice ... is a major event! Not only because contains the "seed" for the new season, but because it also marks the time when the Great Cycle resets to a totally new era that will be completely unlike the one we are living in at the present time. Only time will tell what this alignment will bring. But in the meantime, astrology is the candle in this long, dark night that holds the promise that the end of one cycle is simply the beginning of the next."
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