Pisces is the lucky sign this year with Jupiter, the great benefic, moving into your sign on January 19th where it will stay for approximately one year. That's a lot of good fortune! And it only happens every twelve years. So look around and see what you can accomplish. (June 7th to September 1, Jupiter moves into Aries before retrograding back into Pisces until January 23rd, 2011.)
Pisces rules chemicals, dancers, dreams, drugs, emotions, hospitals, the subconscious, water, travel over water. writers, and the State of Vermont. If you were born Pisces and you have a dream, it's time to let that dream develop.
Saturn, the planet of restrictions and the teacher, is in the sign of Libra. For a Piscean, this is 150 degrees or an inconjunct and as such is nothing more than an adjustment or compromise to something that Saturn rules like your career, your dominant parent or your health.
Uranus has been in the sign of Pisces for quite some time now, and will remain there until May 27th. Remember that when two planets are in the same sign, they both take on characteristics of each other. So beneficial Jupiter may get a kick in the pants from Uranus, a planet that makes things happen suddenly. On the 14th of August, Uranus returns to conjunct Pisces during the remainder of Jupiter's stay leaving more time for fortunate acts.
Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, is in the sign of Aquarius, which is next door to you in the astrological line-up and not really considered an aspect. I find Aquarius and Pisces very compatible in the area of helping others as Pisces is the most compassionate sign and Aquarius the most humanitarian. Allowing yourself to care about a cause bigger than you this year could be a good way to open the door to other possibilities.
Another fortunate development is Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, moving out of Sagittarius, where it squared Pisces (for 13 years), into Capricorn making a harmonious sextile. Pluto allows us to change things we don't like, go up against sources of power that hinder our progress, and let go of negative experiences that stand in our way.
When you get a good year, like this one is for Pisces, there are no excuses. Make some progress in an area that would make your life more meaningful. You, of all people, know what this is, because Pisces rules intuition. Dig deep, water signs are good at that, and see what bubbles up. Somewhere in all that effervescence, there's a plan for your future. Make it work.