Okay, you're Taurus, you're bull-headed, you're stubborn, but you're also insanely grounded and very good with the finances. Oh, yes, you do like the money. And why not? It's easy for Taurus to make money. You rule the 2nd House of Money and Things Of Value. Obviously this isn't true for every Taurus, because there are a lot of other things in your chart, but it can be true for every one of you. You have the ability even it's temporarily lost among other chart debris.
This year, let's start with Pluto. Having moved to the sign of Capricorn at the end of 2008, it makes a trine to your Sun especially if you are an early Taurus. Pluto is the great re-arranger. It can tear you down and it can build an entirely new and better structure. But since you are experiencing a pleasant aspect, you should see more good things than bad. Keeping in mind Pluto will be in Capricorn for 15 years, don't get in a hurry. Oh, sorry, forgot you are Taurus. There is no such thing as rushing for you. You're steady and stable and extremely patient -- when you want to be.
Uranus has also moved to a compatible sign with Taurus, Pisces. This is a sextile and as such is not quite as compelling as the Pluto trine. But still, it's good and you can make headway in the area of the Internet, computers, all things electrical, anything new and futuristic -- not necessarily your forte, but some of you will benefit from this, particularly if you have Aquarius in your astrology chart.
Neptune is in, and has been for a long time, the sign of Aquarius. While this makes a square to you and that is a negative aspect, some call-to-action can result if you are listening closely to the heavens. This is another reason it is significant that Uranus has moved to Pisces -- because this just could be the push you need.
Saturn will be in Libra most of the year and makes an inconjunct which really isn't much of an aspect. But from April 8th to July 21st, Saturn retrogrades back into Virgo an earth sign that trines Taurus. So Pluto is in Capricorn, you're a Taurus and Saturn is in Virgo -- that is all three earth signs so for these months, you have a Grand Earth Trine. And that is all about the money, the real estate, the big deal financial deals, the getting of a loan, you get the idea. Snap to it.
A little icing on the cake is Jupiter having moved this year to Pisces -- again a nice angle to your Taurus Sun and, I might add, conjunct Uranus (until it moves to Aries on May 27th). So you're getting the picture. April and May are very important months for you guys this year. And Happy Birthday.
The other lower octave signs, Mars, Venus, Mercury move too quickly -- so look for them in monthly reports. The moon changes signs every 2 1/2 days. If you want to follow it, click on my Twitter.
Do I hear the stampede already? Taurus does not like to miss an opportunity. You're hitting Office Depot and getting those prospectuses together or, perhaps, just photocopying your new jazzed-up resume. I can hardly blame you. People don't always get you, because you're not the one wearing the lamp shade at the party. You don't jump on the latest trends or even like wasting money. But when the sound of success is calling, the other signs better get out of your way.
This is a good year for Taurus, and it will be because of many of you that the economy sees stability returning. You want value for your money without sacrificing a bit of the luxury. And that's where this country is heading, oh, sorry, Taurus has left the building.
Gosh, I forgot to say, a professional astrology reading is a good investment even for logical thinking Taurus.