President Obama, who rode to fame on fantastic astrological aspects, will lose those aspects on July 20, 2009. At that time, he has two very severe progressed aspects including that dreaded Mars square. With Mars opposing his Saturn, he will experience frustrations and setbacks. I would interpret that to mean that the recovery package won't be working the way he had hoped. Also with Mercury opposing his Saturn, he will experience disappointments, his reputation will be slandered and he will face disapproval. As with all oppositions, this may come from people who oppose him. I would interpret that as the Republican party.
Additionally, when there is a progressed aspect in place, the transits become very important. In July, President Obama will have four transiting planets also in opposition. Could it be that the Republican Party's opposition to him (which most people see as a political strategy) will work?
Rush Limbaugh, the presumed leader of the Republican party at this time, is going to have the year of his life. His chart oozes money from every pore. If he is looking for romance, that is there also. The drug problems occurred when his progressed Mars squared his Uranus, but that is long over.
Remember, it's all about the timing. Based on these astrological aspects, I would say that Obama's original strategy, bi-partisan politics, was the right approach. Without it, the Republican's may be able to claim they are right, despite the fact it was their party that put the nation in the horrific downturned economy.
For those of you who are struggling, I would like to remind you that it is my opinion this economy is far from recovering. So handle your life accordingly. It is your chart that will determine how well you can do and your connection to your higher power. (Astrology is not a religion, just a method of determining the timing of events.) Some of you will benefit. Some of you will have to make a lot of compromises. But whichever one applies to you, this economy will teach us all a lot of lessons that we were ignoring with Pluto in Sagittarius. Now that is has moved into the very restrictive sign of Capricorn (on Thanksgiving 2008), each of us will pay the price for our own carelessness. Originally blogged on March 4, 2009 at gaia.com/xtrology.