You've heard me talk about Alex Baldwin before in my blog, ALEX BALDWIN BAD BOY. The rumor is that he shot this beautiful female cinematographer in the face??? That's personal. And even if he didn't, why is he pointing a gun at at someone, other than another actor, anyway? Were there two bullets fired? A director also got shot.
Alex Baldwin has a Venus/Mars conjunction (in the same sign). Therefore Mars is also in Venus' ruler Libra. Mars in Libra is a big red flag! It's passive/aggressive at its worst. I don't believe in accidents. Something was going on with this woman. I wonder if we will find out what it was. Venus/Mars conjunctions mess with your sexuality. And, come on, he's a 63-year-old man with 6 young kids. He isn't working with normal especially since he also has a Grand Square. As a side note, Aries, his Sun, rules firearms and for that matter, violence.
His Xtrology chart isn't really that bad. There is a yod to his predictive Mars. Yods are karmic. So did he know this woman from a prior lifetime? Do they have history? Because regardless of the circumstances, he killed her.
I wonder how it must feel to wrongfully kill some?" Tweeted by Alex Baldwin 9/22/2017 The movie he's in, Rust, is about a wrongful death. Seems very karmic to me...
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