Because he's a nice guy. At least on the outside. Actually he's a player on the field and off. And steroids, I'll bet he took those, too. With Moon in Pisces, he's even sensitive. But with Neptune squaring it, he could care less about the truth. He's ambitious with Saturn as a focal planet and somewhat cold with Mercury as a focal planet.
Currently he is experiencing progressed Mars (anger) square (negative) Venus (love) so when it comes to Kate Hudson or Cameron Diaz, it doesn't matter who he picks, she won't be the right one.
But let's look a little closer at Aries Kate Hudson. This is the only person I've seen lately with seven focal planets. Remember that one or two can make you interesting and three, you're still okay. But four and up, you get very, very complex. You have a lot of needs to satisfy. It's a big job. Here are a few facts about Kate:
Sun as a focal planet, you're the center of your universe
Mars as a focal planet, you're aggressive
Venus as a focal planet, you feel unloved or unlovable
Moon as a focal planet, you're sensitive
Neptune as a focal planet, you have your own reality
Pluto as a focal planet, you're obsessed with right and wrong
Jupiter as a focal planet, you like to follow famous people, cults
And because focal planets are the result of two oppositions and two squares, they are negative. Kate also has a Capricorn Moon and it's in its detriment, not at all happy in that sign. Lucky for her, she is currently has her progressed Sun trine Jupiter. So she's feeling lucky.
Cameron Diaz, a Virgo, isn't quite as complex. She has two focal planets, but one of them is her Sun so we're back to that center-of-the-universe thing. Her other one is Mars which just makes her incredibly determined. And she, also is in a positive Jupiter period.
So Alex has his hands full. Both these girls expect to get what they want. He's a Leo which works with Aries and Virgo so this may be a fight to the finish -- keeping in mind -- neither will ultimately win out.