You've no doubt heard the story. Brian Williams, the NBC anchor, fibbed a little about his experience in Iraq -- it was the helicopter in front of him that got hit by ground fire not his helicopter. There appears to be other lies and exaggerations. Always look to Neptune to see if you're dealing with a liar.
Brian has natal Neptune opposition his natal Taurus Sun. So there you have it. Yes, he doesn't let the truth get in his way. If you read my blog, you know how strongly I feel about focal planets (the result of planet squaring two opposition planets). His focal planets are Uranus (not all that conventional at heart -- a little rebellious), the Moon (overly emotional even in the absence of water planets) and, here's the big one, Mercury. Mercury as a focal planet has to do with the way you communicate. Focal planets are the result of negative aspects. Most of the time, I find that people with this are verbally abusive. But people process information differently. We still can assume his communication skills are flawed -- some way, somehow.
Brian's daughter, Allison (Aries Sun) , who is currently on the HBO hit "Girls" and who also did "Peter Pan Live!" on television and slammed it, is partly the result of some really terrific aspects that started around the age of fourteen. When Jupiter, looking at a chart, is on the left of your Sun and in another sign, the Sun will cross it as the Sun moves counterclockwise. Predictive Jupiter moves also (which is why it is predictive) and the predictive Sun then also crosses it. It's a great way to get your life started. Jupiter (in a good aspect) gives you tremendous confidence.
And here's why I mention it. Brian currently has predictive Venus (your loved ones) square (90 degrees and a bad angle) his Jupiter (to some degree public perception, but definitely your social life). I think Brian is jealous of Allison. He is the one that is normally in the spotlight -- not her. I'm not saying he's a bad person, but I am saying he's human. And while fathers shouldn't be jealous of their daughters, that's my opinion of what's going on here.
The big question is, will he lose his $10 million anchor job? He might not even though he really should. The two planets in this negative configuration are both nice planets -- not malefic. But I will tell you that it will hurt his relationship with Allison, because she knows. Deep down she knows he resents her success. And he may really wish he had her career and not his. The news may be a little tame for him.
I've heard rumors he might be considered for Jon Stewart's job at "The Daily Show." Actually, he's a funny guy, he already reads the news, and truthfulness would not be a big issue. But, I don't think these aspects will reward him. If for some reason, he lands on his feet, still, there will be some fallout. It's not a get-out-of-jail-free card, you know, the one he's been playing for years.
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