Amanda Knox's Sun is in Cancer, a sign associated with mood swings and sensitive feelings. Opposition that is Neptune, the planet of delusion. And when one planet squares both those planets, we have a focal planet. In her case, it is cardinal Jupiter, the cult follower. (In a T-square all the planets will be in the same modality.) The apex planet denotes a weakness of character or where a person can suspend judgment. Amanda was swept up in the drama of a situation that probably started as role playing and ended with her slitting the throat of another young woman while two young men assisted her. My guess is that there was no conscious intention to kill that girl. The evening took on a life of its own.
The negative elements of her chart were her progressed Venus sitting on her natal Mars. With Venus involved there was sexual tension. Also her progressed Mercury was on her natal Sun. Transiting Pluto, the death planet, had to also be involved, and it was conjunct her natal Moon and Uranus (the volatile planet).
One day, when people have their planetary forecast from birth to death, this type of situation might be avoided. Anyone with transiting Pluto on their natal Moon has no business playing these kinds of games. Add to that any negative progression involving Mars (violence) and the odds increase that a tragedy occurs.