He says he hated tennis, but I think he hated himself. Having your Moon square your Sun is an indication you weren't a wanted child or you came into the family at a very troubled time. And then add the fact that the Moon is the focal planet of a T-square (two planets oppose and the focal planet squares) and you get an overly aspected, moody Moon (even though it's in the chilly sign of Aquarius).
And maybe he hated tennis,too, (Taurus, his Sun, is a fixed sign and doesn't like to be told what to do), but he loves money (Taurus rules it). Taurus people usually aren't poor. So when he realized no tennis, no money, he snapped out of it.
So what was going on in 1997 that caused him to use crystal meth? What was the crisis? Sorry, Brooke, but he wasn't happy being married to you -- progressed Venus (love) square (bad) Uranus (divorce). And the reason? He doesn't really like relationships all that much (natal Venus/Mars conjunction) a push-pull aspect if there ever was one. Want it. Don't want it. Want it. Don't want it. And for sure didn't want it enough have a equal partner. Without any doubt Steffi Graf is much less demanding.
Currently his progressed Mars is square Uranus so he's feeling edgy again. Life isn't exactly on his terms. But this time, he took a much more mature action. He wrote a book and got rid of all those guilty feelings -- a good lesson for anyone dealing with a bad cycle. They come and they go. You have to find a way to plow through them without destroying your life that then has to be put together again. Been there. Done that.