She’s back in the news. This time with a new movie, Maria, about Maria Callas, the phenomenal opera singer and all around fascinating woman. The question is — can Angelina Jolie redeem herself after way too much of her private life has been dominating the media. Brad Pitt, her ex, did a complete turn around, at least, publicly. And Angie got stuck with a lot of the credit for the split and the alienation of the children.
Angie is a Gemini Sun/Mercury. Her Moon is in Aries conjunct Sagittarius (Jupiter). Also located in the 9th House of Sagittarius. Her Venus is in home/children loving Cancer where her ascendant also is. Venus ( no one loves me) and Saturn (ambition) are her focal planets.
Cancer rising is her weak area. Besides the ever present, everyone has it better than I do, is the need to feel secure/loved which she accomplished with an overload of diverse children — three adopted and three biologically Brad’s. It does appear that she has alienated them from their father. Children need a father even a bad one.
However in the ongoing and excruciating battle with her ex, he is no doubt the bad guy. You can’t appreciate the pain of a Capricorn Moon partner until you experience it. The joyful drawing in and the harsh pushing away. The get back. Push a Capricorn Moon and they push back ever harder. And then harder again. And then harder again. While Scorpio is known for ghosting, Capricorn will strive to take away the thing that is most important — your reputation and they do it with a smile while rehabbing theirs. Don’t mess around with these people unless you’re emotionally solid. They feed on this stuff. Angie literally should have backed out as quietly and inconspicuously as possible. This was a volatile relationship from the get go.
People are commentating on her new look — blonde this time. Another questionable move was her double prophylactic mastectomy — cutting up her body when avoiding cancer was a few healthy choices away. Natal Moon square Venus have mothers who felt like 2nd class women. For me, this marked a change in her aura — the cutting, natal Mars conjunct Moon, a sign of her uneasiness with her own body. She has admitted to being a cutter. And with that history, her surgeon should have said no. And remember she did it while married to Brad??? Toss that around in your mind for a minute…
Currently Angelina is experiencing no aspects at all — not ideal for an Oscar grab but not the worst either. So far the reviews are lukewarm. Her future holds a possible new challenge to her reputation and financial woes. If this movie doesn’t hit, depression is looming. (Predictive Mercury conjunct predictive Saturn.) However right now, she’s getting a nice big check and a lot of attention for a movie based on the incomparable, Maria Callas.
Maria was a Sagittarius Sun with Jupiter conjunct. She was a very lucky lady. But sometimes with luck comes a feeling of not really working for your success. One can feel it was destined and the joy to a certain degree gets sucked out. That was very true for Callas. Her career and enormous talent had a life all its own. And with the Moon as a focal planet, she was always at the mercy of her delicate and often mean feelings as she had Mars in Libra and Saturn conjunct her moon AKA a Capricorn Moon. Everyone who dealt with her felt both the extreme talent and good fortune and the bitterness of her underlying anger and selfishness. Early on Maria was aware she couldn’t complete with her sister.
“My sister was slim and beautiful and friendly, and my mother always preferred her. I was the ugly duckling, fat and clumsy and unpopular. It is a cruel thing to make a child feel ugly and unwanted... I'll never forgive her for taking my childhood away.”
So at the age of 30, she lost 80 pounds of protective fat. (Predictive Venus sextile predictive Jupiter.) She let it go and never saw the need for it to return — her newly found beauty now adding to her reputation and stature.
However it is not known if the weight loss caused it or some other malfunction — many said it was her confidence that ultimately defeated her, but it was noticed early in the ‘60s, that Maria was losing her voice and her ultimately her appeal. Later a relationship with Ari Onassis, who ended up marrying Jackie Kennedy in 1968 (predictive Venus square predictive Mars), added to her childhood programming that she was unworthy. This super woman, renowned in the world of opera, died alone in an apartment in Paris in 1976 at the young age of 53 (predictive Mercury opposing natal Pluto). Normally this wouldn’t kill someone. But Maria had a brutal square — Mercury, her reputation, to Mars, violence, and Saturn, health, for 10 long years — a karmic price for her enormous talent?)
Can Angelina relate to Maria? Extreme body issues? Famous men who treated them badly? Pushed into greatness — one through her heavy Hollywood connections and the other through her undeniable talent, both through their beauty. There was no doubt that these two women couldn’t escape notoriety — yet both felt it a burden. Both also had absent fathers. Could that be the real cause of the anger? And the lost connection to their physical self? Choices in men who ultimately rejected them — who contributed to their fragile self esteem — when all the world was at their feet?
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