You would have to know an astrology site would like any show called DANCING WITH THE STARS. It's down to the final three. And simply put, we don't have a winner, not astrologically. So it's a battle of "losers."
Bristol Palin has her progressed Venus sitting exactly on her natal Pluto. So besides the fact that her love life is currently DOA and abstinence is not a problem (even The Situation didn't hit on her), I'm referring the former Queen of Progressions, Sophia Mason. She says this is "a major turning point in one's life." Bristol's Libra Sun keeps her constantly trying to please someone and constantly pleasant. She's the best thing that's ever happened to her mother -- a child that won't embarrass her -- even in the face of teen pregnancy.
Jennifer Gray, who is clearly the best dancer, keeps screwing up because her Jupiter is being squared by Mars. Has she had an injury, because that could be a possibility, too? She's an Aries and has Sun square Jupiter natally. Success has always been difficult for her. Her Venus is in exalted Pisces, but so is her Moon. Add a Neptune focal planet and most of what she sees, well, she's the only one seeing it that way.
Kyle Massey is a Virgo, the workers of the world. He has the same thing I do, Sun conjunct Jupiter, but in different signs (so it doesn't count, but makes you wish your mother had gotten on with it or waited). No focal planets for this charming guy. Mars also in Virgo so he keeps trying. His progressed Jupiter has moved out-of-sign, but only inconjuncts Saturn, a mildly negative aspect.
It could be Bristol. But in the absence of a clear victor, it could be anyone.