Michael Vick was born with his natal Sun squaring Pluto, the planet of power, and, I might add, control. Because this is a negative aspect he will have control issues in his life. We saw this with Chris Brown. Also Vick has a very negatively aspected natal chart which means there is a lot more opportunity for negative transiting or progressed aspects to affect him.
Another very telling natal aspect is the fact that his Venus is in the sign of Gemini. Venus is love and air signs tend to be very cold or unloving so having an air sign in this position makes it hard to be loving to people or animals.
At the time his house was raided, April 27, 2007, he had his progressed Venus opposing Jupiter. Jupiter is the most beneficial planet, but in a negative aspect it can be legal problems. Normally I wouldn't think this would create the event that happened -- for most people it would not. But you have to add in a little of what-goes-around-comes-around and with that the event can become much more than it should really have been. This is why in astrology, you need to know what's going on in your client's life. If he hadn't been doing something illegal, this would not have happened.
Will another team pick him up and allow him to play football? I don't really know the answer to that, but I do know that the transiting Pluto (power) is opposing his Sun (him). And his progressed Sun is inconjunct (compromise) the same transiting Pluto. Things will not be easy for him for about two years especially if he continues to have control, temper, authority issues. The sooner he learns the lesson the universe is trying to teach him, the sooner he will pass through this experience.