Walter Cronkite was a Scorpio. While he was somewhat insecure about his physical appearance, never for a minute did he question his ability to do his job. His ego, with his Sun at the apex of a T-square (two planets opposing each other and the Sun squaring both) was quite prominent. But thanks to a nice trine to the planet of power, Pluto, he didn't abuse his power or flaunt his accomplishments even though he secretly (Scorpio) relished in them.
With his Moon in it's rulership in the sign of Cancer, family was also a great source of happiness for him as Cancer rules the family.
Jupiter, Mars and Neptune 120 degrees from each other, made a Fire Trine in the signs of Sagitarrius, Leo and Aries. This gave him great energy to pursue his interests. Fire trine people are always aggressive, and Grand trine people (all three of the fire planets) have much luck in the area of motivation.
With his planet of love, Venus, in Libra where it is also in its rulership, he had a good sense of what was appropriate and what consisted of good manners.
As will happen if you live long enough, Cronkite's natal Pluto was being opposed by the transiting Pluto. Add to that a very tight progressed T-square (progressed Mercury opposing Natal Saturn (health) and progressed Jupiter (having moved out of sign only recently) squaring both those planets, all the necessary elements were there to create an negative event.
The 29 degree eclipse on July 21 also squared his 27 degree natal Jupiter in Aries, as in the case of Michael Jackson, this may have triggered or created the time of his death.
However, we know because his progressed Sun was sitting on the transiting Jupiter and Neptune (which are conjunct), he probably left with a smile on his face. Jupiter always lends an aura of luck to the occasion and Neptune, when positive, shows dreams being fulfilled. He died, no doubt, quite satisfied with what he had accomplished in this lifetime.