There is nice little transit going on for early Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn (people born in the early days of the sign). Pluto which has been in early degrees of Capricorn for a year and a half will be joined by Mars moving to Virgo on June 7th. So if you are a Taurus, you will get a Grand Trine (all the earth planets 120 degrees from each other). For example, if you were born April 28th, you're a 7 degree Taurus. So with Pluto at 4 degrees and Mars at 0 degrees (transits allows you orbs or distance between planets) --  all trine each other and all earth signs and that equals a Grand Earth Trine.
If you are a Virgo or Capricorn, you have a conjunction and a trine. Still quite nice.
If you have run your chart and know the houses, those will be the areas you will most likely find fortune with the angular houses, 1st, 7th, and 10th being the most beneficial. Lesson No. 1 at http://www.the will show you how to run your chart.