Bernie Madoff is the man responsible for the biggest financial fraud in history. So, of course, he has a fascinating astrology chart. He could have been a movie star or even a legitimate version of what he was. But he chose to be a crook. Could it be that everything just came too easy to him with an historic 54 year positive Jupiter cycle?
Without an opposition in his natal chart, Bernie can't have a focal planet (that squares the opposing planets). Normally these people are pretty simple at heart. They are easy to please. Does simple translate into stupid for Bernie? Or lazy?
Bernie has four planets in Taurus (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus) that square his natal Jupiter in Aquarius. Squares to Jupiter equal trouble relating to people -- as Jupiter rules the relating principle. Without that ability, did he also lack compassion?
His money energy, also ruled by Jupiter, is counter-productive with the negative 90-degree square energy. He couldn't wrap his head around the real purpose of wealth. The concept got distorted.
A Leo rising sign also squares his Taurus planets. When your Sun squares your rising sign, you have conflicting feelings about what you want to accomplish. His Taurus Sun wants financial security, while his Leo rising just can't resist showing off. Again, as with all squares, the energy operates badly -- against his best interest.
His natal chart is not that unusual or special. More interesting is how his chart progresses. Because his natal Jupiter is in very high degrees, it changes signs (now it can make aspects). In its new sign, it sextiles his natal Moon. As an outer planet this aspect will last a very long time. Add to that the fact that it retrogrades while it is aspecting. It stays in orb for an even longer period of time. Beyond fortunate. Most people, normal people, use this energy to become successful without hurting anyone. Success comes easily during a Jupiter cycle.
For Berenie, Jupiter ended at age 71. We don't have his time of birth and the Moon is the most sensitive planet to the exact time of birth -- due to its fast motion. But we can rectify his chart to this date because, clearly, at that time, he no longer had Jupiter's protection. The underlying aspect progressed Sun square progressed Saturn brought him down.
I've never seen a luckier chart. You would like to think that someone with this much positive energy would feed the world or create world peace. So what does this say about us as human beings? Two other incredibly lucky people, Madonna and Mel Gibson haven't devoted their lives to helping other people. What would you do, if you could do anything?