Bill Cosby has a Cancer Sun, Mercury, and Pluto. That means his Sun is conjunct Pluto. Pluto is always, always about control. Conjunct your Sun? To quote Betty Lundsted, "People with Pluto conjunct the Sun do not want to feel out of "control" in any situation. They overwhelm others any way they can. The energy causes others to become defensive, for they feel that their very essence is being invaded."
His rising sign is Aries. So look for the worst characteristics of Aries to come out here. He's selfish. With Saturn as a focal planet, he is also ambitious. Selfish, control freak, ambitious. Could he have drugged women and had sex with them as he is currently being accused? Astrologically, yes.
His current predictive planets are predictive Mercury conjunct Neptune. The definition for that is scheming. His second predictive aspect is predictive Sun opposition Saturn in the 12th House of Prisons. All the other planets are in the 6th House of Work/Health. So both his work and his health are in jeopardy. Will he go to jail? Definitely, he could. And he is worried about it. Why is this happening now? Because of these astrological aspects. You can get away with misdeeds for a long time, but, just know one thing, you never really get away with anything. The Universe knows.
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UPDATE: Bill Cosby has been found guilty on three counts involved the sexual assault of a woman on 4/26/18. He could spend as many as 30 years in prison. He is currently 80 years old.