There's only one way to be certain your child will have a happy, fortunate life. The child needs to be born in the same sign as Jupiter. This year, 2010, that will mean, the child must be Pisces born between February 19th and March 19th. Conceiving the child then doesn't count. It's the first breath. Have an accurate watch.
This also applies to businesses you may be starting. Businesses have astrology charts, too. And you read them exactly the same way you read a chart for a person, just remembering that it's a business.
Here are the dates I would recommend to incorporate or publish your web site or the first day the thing you are doing is officially workable.
2/21/10 If you incorporate in the afternoon, there won't be a focal planet. In the morning, it will be the Moon & with four planets in sensitive, Pisces, it's too much. Mars in Leo. However, in numerology, this adds up to "8." Â My second pick
2/23/10 With the Moon in Gemini, there is a Grand Air Trine, very smart. No focal planets. Mars in Leo, good for entertainment, and four Pisces planets. Adds up to "1." This is my pick
3/2/10 No focal planets, but the Moon will be in Libra conjunct Saturn. No getting around the Saturn/Pluto square. Five planets will be in Pisces, but is adds up to "8." Mars in Leo.
3/4/10 Moon in Scorpio (in its detriment) is a focal planet. Too much with five other Pisces planets. Mars in Leo, good for entertainment. Adds up to "1"
3/11/10 Moon in Aquarius conjunct Neptune (fuzzy thinking). Mars in Leo, good for entertainment. Venus in Aries creates Pluto as focal planet, powerful position for good or evil. Four planets in Pisces. Adds up to an "8"
3/13/10 Same as above except later in day, Moon in Pisces. Adds up to a "1"
Keep in mind, I don't know where you are located when you start this company so the place is probably wrong, unless you live in Kansas City or close to it. And without the exact time, it's approximate. If you want a real chart done, go to The Psychic Bubble magazine and contact Xtrology (this will also give you ten years of progressions -- which can be extremely important).
To be successful in numerology, you want an "8" company (money) or a "1" (the best, first). This is the basis for my choices.
This can be the smartest thing you've ever done -- guarantee fortune. When you are happy, it's easy to be successful.