Stories abound that Brad Pitt is partying a little too much. I really hope that is not true, because by the end of this year, he will have the dreaded Mars progressed square to Neptune (rules drugs). So not only will this just be un-fun, it is filled with the potential to over-do and behave in an impulsive, erratic manner.
While Brad is a Sagittarius, most of his personal planets are in Capricorn (in the 2nd House of Values and Money). We know that Pluto has moved into the sign of Capricorn so it will be crossing his Mars, Nodes, Mercury, Moon and Venus. And because Pluto just left the sign of Sagittarius where it conjuncted his Sun, Mr. Pitt may be very tired of dealing with Pluto problems. You know, those life transforming ones -- regeneration, guilt, resentment, sexuality -- it's a long list.
So will there be trouble on the home front? Most likely. If it's rocky now, it won't get better.
Angelina Jolie is a Gemini with an apex planet, cardinal Venus (another celeb who can't get enough love). And co-incidentally, she will get a progressed square at the same time as Brad -- hers, progressed Sun square Jupiter in her 9th House of Foreign Countries.
So my prediction is that all the traveling is getting to Brad, and he would like to stay put for awhile. But this demand won't sit well with Angie who is on a constant quest for love. However, her chart shows that foreign locations aren't the solution and will only contribute to her unhappiness. So I would advise her to travel as little as possible out of the country where she will only find trouble.
And Brad needs to stay away from any substance abuse, because it's no longer an area he can navigate safely.
How that plays out in their relationship? I can only tell you, it's hard to handle squares. Brad will have to look at what he really values (2nd House) and Angelina will have to stop running away from herself (9th House). And the story ends happily ever after, fingers crossed .