Some people just get all the breaks. Bret Michaels was born with a Sun/Jupiter conjunction. That makes you lucky all your life. Then his progressed Jupiter changed signs and, guess what, trined his natal Mars for the last ten years. And, believe it or not, the transiting Jupiter is sitting, along with transiting Uranus, on his Sun/Jupiter conjunction. Because he was born with Mars retrograde (and it turned direct and stationed) it has never left it's natal sign, and therefore can't make a negative aspect in a progression. And then there's that Grand Water Trine, more luck.
But he is a Pisces with Neptune and the Moon as focal planets. So he's about as sensitive as one can get. I wondered why this guy never stops talking since he's not a Sadge, but maybe he has Sadge rising. And here is the other mystery. In order to have diabetes, you have to have a Libra planet. And he doesn't. (I have diabetes all over my family, but I don't have it because I don't have a personal Libra planet.) However, maybe he has Libra rising. He is pretty charming, if he would just shut up.
So Thursday night, Bret was taken to the hospital with a massive subarachnoid hemorrhage. His Jupiter cycle looks like it has ended (without the time, it could be off). But he's experiencing a Jupiter Return (transiting Jupiter returns to the place where it was when you are born), and it also conjuncts his Sun. And since he has no Libra, Aries or Cancer planets, transiting Pluto (necessary for a death to occur) can't even make an aspect to him. More luck. Some people just get all of it -- if you're wondering where yours is.