When a person has progressed Pluto on Venus and their partner doesn't return their love, they seek revenge. You had to know when you heard Bristol Palin was engaged to Levi Johnson that a reality show was not far behind. But that doesn't mean they aren't in love or does it?
Levi Johnson has no focal planets -- so he's a simple person. He's also a Taurus so money is important to him. But he also has that Mars/Venus conjunction that won't allow you to really care about relationships. It's a push/pull aspect. You want it. You don't want it. The affection of this type of person is unreliable. So want to guess who has Pluto on Venus?
Bristol Palin is a Libra with three other Libra planets, Moon, Mercury, Venus giving her a Libra stellium. She also has no focal planets. But all those Libra planets are squared by three Capricorn planets, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. So there's a lot of opportunity for bad aspects in her chart. In fact even at her young age, she has already experienced progressed Venus square Jupiter and progressed Sun square Jupiter so she is not new to adversity. And as a very Libra person, she doesn't like disharmony. She will do almost anything to keep the peace -- so much so, she can be pushed around. So when she stood up to her mother and refused to marry before Sarah Palin was announced as a Vice Presidential nominee, it took a lot of guts.
Bristol also had progressed Venus conjunct progressed Sun at the ages of 16, 17, 18 so she's probably in love with Levi. But she's the one with progressed Venus conjunct Pluto. Scary!!! This could end up being a really good reality show if we get to see Bristol's real feelings. She's a Libra so she doesn't like to make a fuss. But when Levi's affections don't match hers -- it's going to get messy. And somebody's going to want revenge?
UPDATE: The relationship ended before the reality show began. But Levi is running for Mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, and that's going to be the reality show. At least he'll be able to afford child support.