You wanna talk about a kid that has it all! Bronny James is the son of LeBron James, the 6’ 9” all time leading scorer in NBA history with 4 NBA championships under his belt. Apparently his son, who has one of the highest earning potentials among college athletes, would like to follow in his footsteps. But today, Bronny’s dream was put into jeopardy when he went into cardiac arrest during a USC basketball practice.
Bronny is a Libra Sun/Mercury/Mars/Jupiter — a stellium — meaning each planet’s qualities influence each of the other planets. He also has a Grand Square making all planets involved focal planets. He has a highly emotional Moon, a needy Venus, a self-righteous Pluto and a non-conforming Uranus. Strangely, since these planets are in Libra, he’s probably pretty easy to get along with if you don’t know him too well. He can be exacting. I don’t know his rising sign.
Here’s what his chart tells me. With his predictive Mercury square Neptune (drugs), his reputation is on the line. In his case, this translates to his ability to play ball — on the line. He also has another very negative aspect predictive Venus square his Moon (I suspect since I don’t have his time of birth). Venus is the people that you love but can be other things, too. Definitely the beauty in your life. And finally, transiting Pluto, the death planet, is opposing Saturn, the health planet. Could he have died? Definitely he could have. And still could. Astrology doesn’t make these decisions. It just tells you the possibilities. What I do know is that this is serious. People that love him should be very concerned. Luckily he’s in a position to get the very best care.
I would be very curious what kind, if any, drugs he has put into his body. I would also be very careful about misinformation as Neptune rules that also — lies and deceit. The way this is handled is going to be very crucial.
Say a prayer for this young man and hope that we are not seeing another Damar Hamlin situation, but we probably are. It is very possible Bronny’s career is over before it began. He has a huge mountain to climb.
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