Bruce Jenner, Olympic champion, has come out as his alter-ego, Caitlin, after he killed a woman by driving his Escalade (with an attached trailer pulling an off-the-road vehicle) while smoking and following her too close. He rear-ended her car and spun her into oncoming traffic where she ultimately died. And, by the way, lied about it.
Have we all lost any sense of decency? Does Kim Howe's life no longer count? Can you kill someone and then be on the cover of "Vanity Fair" four months later like nothing happened? Bruce wasn't charged with a criminal action despite the fact what he did was careless and reckless. And there is a very good chance he won't get civilly sued since this woman had no close relatives, and Bruce's, now Caitlyn's, lawyers are pushing for a dismissal.
Bruce claims he has always gender identified as a woman. I don't applaud him for pretending to be be someone he's wasn't for 67 years, but I do applaud him for his recent honesty. He is what he is. No shame in that. I'm no expert, but I'm very informed on the subject of transgender. And no one is more liberal than me. When I moved into my apartment in Hollywood, the girl across the hall was a transgender alcoholic and the girl next to me was a cross-dressing heroin addict. Still, you're not hurting anyone, you can do what you want. Both of these women were my friends -- close friends.
But here's the rub. I don't know any truly happy transgendered women, and I know many more than the two I mentioned. One of my best friends is transgender. She is the source of much of my information. And she's making it work, however, she's was a pioneer and did it when she was very young. And she's one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She would never describe herself as courageous.
Bruce Jenner has a Scorpio Sun. Scorpio rules all the sexual organs. And his Sun is squared by two opposing planets, the Moon (his feelings) and Pluto (Scorpio's ruler and a control freak). There's no darker, deeper more intense sign than Scorpio. When the Sun is a focal planet, you're a little narcissistic or even a lot. Is Scorpio the most likely sign to be gender dysmorphic? Not necessarily. Not in itself. Bruce/Caitlyn also has Scorpio rising so that's a lot of Scorpio and it's accompanying darkness. His Venus is square Saturn which creates a role player which now makes a lot of sense. Venus also squaring Mars? These are the two sexual planets -- square, the ideal love and physical love get separated. Jupiter is the relating principle so if it gets squared in the natal chart, the person will not relate honestly. It means there never was much communication with his wife/wives.
Persons diagnosed, according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition (DSM-IV), with gender identity disorder (GID) suffer from strong, persistent discomfort between biological sex and experienced/expressed gender, with significant impairment in interpersonal, familial, social, professional, and other important areas of functioning. In DSM-V [2], in order to avoid stigma and to describe the stressed state of gender nonconformity, the diagnostic name is replaced with “gender dysphoria.”
The DSM-V is the bible for psychologists and psychiatrists. But just as important is my experience. And it is this. Becoming a woman does not magically fix your problems. Quite the contrary. Transgender women rarely want to cook, have a family, sew or even clean house -- things heterosexual women enjoy. No, transgender women are almost entirely caught up in looking like a woman -- the hair, the nails, the makeup, the clothes and having sex as a woman. They're not out there baking pies for the PTA. Most/many have drug issues, for the simple reason, the hormones are never right. You're messing with nature.
So here's my question, is this a fetish or a personality disorder or is it completely normal like the media is currently portraying it? And here's my prediction. Caitlyn is doing this during some really negative aspects -- the same ones that caused the fatal car accident -- was that a warning of mammoth proportions? Her predictive Mars (shreds any false structures/cars/surgery/among other things) is square (the most negative aspect) Uranus (accidents, the unexpected). Both these planets are malefic. The timing worries me.
Caitlyn is going to enjoy the attention, because Caitlyn loves attention. And then the attention will be over. Caitlyn will be a old woman who doesn't really have anything to show for being a woman -- other than a closet full of expensive clothes. The hormones will never be right, the sexual assignment surgery works pretty well, but not perfectly, and her family will continue to love her, but they will grow up and move on -- especially after The Kardashians are no longer important either. Every dog as his day. Some last longer than others. But the ones that last forever are built on integrity and spiritual values.
Bruce Jenner should have told the world who he really is. And he should have been accepted for who he really is. But is that "Vanity Fair" cover going to encourage other confused children to strive for enough plastic surgery to fool Mother Nature? Is that a good message? Is Caitlyn accepting herself or is she doing the exact opposite?
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