Capricorn's are currently the "lucky" recipients of transiting Pluto, an event that doesn't happen to every sign because of the slow movement of Pluto. Prepare yourself for transformation, as any Sagittarius will tell you, having been Pluto's prior home. Capricorn is represented by the goat climbing the rocky mountain due to their nature to persist even when the going gets rough. So it is entirely within reason that you will feel the desire to make these changes without being forced. You are known for your resourcefulness in any situation. The general rule in astrology is that if you don't chose your own obstacles, they will be chosen for you.
This is not an over-night event as the duration is fifteen years. But even in the beginning (Thanksgiving of 2008), you may have noticed your life making drastic changes -- sometimes not of your liking. Or it could have been the opposite. Good things. But eventually, there will be a change that you probably aren't looking forward to -- as most real growth hurts a little. Some refer to this time as being in a Cuisinart. It can really toss your life around. Fifteen years from now, you won't be the person you were fifteen years before. You will have grown in ways you may not be able to predict.
Neptune is currently transiting in Aquarius, the sign next to Capricorn, so it doesn't make a major aspect. This isn't good or bad in the area of chemicals, over-seas travel, hospitals, prisons.
Transiting Uranus in 2010 will be beneficial as it is in Pisces, a sign friendly to Capricorns. If you are involved with the Internet, television, radio and anything electrical, this is good news. You should see favorable results in any area that Uranus rules, and as Uranus is the planet of sudden moves, what happens may happen quickly.
Saturn, your ruler, will be transiting through the sign of Libra in 2010 with a short retrograde back into Virgo. As Libra squares Capricorn where Pluto is currently placed, December natives (the 0-8 degree people) will have a Sun/Pluto conjunction with Saturn square most of this year. A square aspect causes the energy to work against itself. So you might expect that you have no choice but to be more serious about career and money issues. This is a possibility because Saturn is known as a restrictive planet. But as you are Capricorn, perhaps, you are way ahead of me and have already made those plans. The January natives will also get a square from Saturn in the fall as it moves into higher degrees. Without the benefit of an entire chart analysis, the retrograde of Saturn into Virgo April 8th to July 29th might be the best time in 2010 to move forward. Virgo is an earth planet and as such trines Capricorn with harmonious energy.
Transiting Jupiter moves into the sign of Pisces in January 2010 where it conjuncts Uranus. And again, a good thing for Capricorn. Jupiter is the most beneficial planet ruling money, the law, higher education, religion and many other things. Next to Uranus and sextiling your Sun, you may find yourself on the beneficial end of something that happens overnight, possibly something unplanned and possibly something financial. You also may see your social life picking up or people from foreign countries coming into your social circle.
The other planets, called personal planets, transit quickly and will be in many signs during the year. Look at your monthly astrology.
In addition, to your transiting planets, I recommend you get an astrology reading for your secondary progressed planets. I make all my predictions using progressions. So to truly know the tone of your upcoming year, it is advisable to have the whole picture. Unlike transits, the personal planets are the focal interest in progressions. And this is where you will find how you feel, romantic interests, communication issues, health, wealth and if the energy of the universe is on your side or against you.
As much fun as magazine or newspaper horoscopes are, there is almost no truth to them with a few exceptions that involve reading your rising sign for any mention of houses (assuming you're even reading a horoscope that mentions houses and most don't) and reading your astrology sign for things other than houses. I suggest considering the value of an astrology reading. But, if that simply is not in your budget, I do have another source for you. has real astrologers and real psychics who answer questions for free, no strings. It may take awhile to get an answer and some readers take it more seriously than others. However I do free readings there every month.
Capricorns should be looking forward to 2010 with only Saturn, your ruler, making any negative transiting aspects to your Sun. And as Saturn is exalted in the sign of Libra, even those harsh aspects may be lessened to some degree. Very seldom, does any sign have a year without some transiting activity. And getting back to the very nature of the mountain goat, you more than most, have the ability to withstand adversity in any form and benefit from it.