Carrie Prejean has writtten a book telling the world how she was victimized by a question she was asked at the Miss USA pageant. But her natal chart shows a Venus (love) Neptune (confusion) square along with a Pluto (guilt) Sun (herself) opposition that creates a religious fanatic. So these opinions were going to show up sometime, somehow. And she didn't have to answer the question the way she did. She wanted to because that's what she believes. Remember that a square always causes the energy to work against itself. So Carrie's feeling about love and sex are very confused. Her religious background tells her that sex is dirty, but inside, she doesn't actually feel that way. She thinks she should be "good," but part of her is "bad. We know that because she made a sex tape of herself while insisting the is a good Christian girl. In astrology we call this, issues needing resolution. At the time of the pagaent, her progressed Mars was the focal planet squaring her natal Nodes (north and south, always in opposition to each other) which are karmic. So the universe is paying her back for being hypocritical. Also her progressed Venus is opposition her natal Neptune reinforcing her natal Neptune/Venus square and bringing out more of that sexual confusion. She can't answer these questions for herself. Until she does, she shouldn't be deciding the future of other people's sexual unions. Using her logic "that's how I was raised," sex tapes should be right up there with gay marriage. But her mind is able to make these two things separate when neither would be considered "Christian." She's not living what she says she believes. This is someone who needs to see a psychologist to sort all this out -- not someone who should be an example to young women.