Most negative cycles last 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 years and they're over. Lay low. Keep your head down. Unless you're Charlie Sheen! His approach to a negative cycle is unprecedented in my mind. Raging a war with your boss and the press in general won't work for most of us. But Charlie made it through pretty much unscathed -- minus that embarrassing stab at being a stand-up comedian.
I predicted his wife would leave him -- that happened, but they are still friends. He lost his TV show, "Two and a Half Men," but he was paid a staggering amount of money anyway. And he'll be back in September in a new show, "Anger Management." And he avoided jail. Way to go. The only lesson I can get out of this is to maintain a sense of humor. And let's not forget Charlie, even with all his ranting, had humility. His mood was flexible. And he could laugh at himself.
So what happens now? Charlie entered a new Jupiter cycle in March of 2012 that will last until March of 2014 as it is predictive Sun trining natal Jupiter. His new show airs in September. Winning!
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