It doesn't get any clearer than this. Charlie Sheen is HIV positive and it's right here in his astrology chart.
Charlie Sheen, former star of TWO AND A HALF MEN and current star of ANGER MANAGEMENT, author of the phrase 'winning' when he really wasn't, possessor of a natal chart with Jupiter in the 2nd House of Money, has Sun, Uranus and Pluto in Virgo. Note the Sun/Pluto connection. His Moon is in the mouthy sign of Sagittarius. His Venus is in Libra, its rulership, and his Mars is in the dark sign that rules all things sexual, Scorpio. It's conjunct Neptune which rules drugs.
Charlie also has six focal planets, Saturn (ambition), Moon (super-sensitive), Pluto (right and wrong and, of course, death), Uranus (a distinct lack of caring what other people think), the Sun (ego) and Jupiter (likes to be part of a sub-culture). Six, that's too many to manage for most people. Too much to get up in the morning and calm down the anxiety of. Some people use drugs. Meditation is the real answer.
When Charlie heard the AIDS diagnosis (four years ago) he had predictive Mars (rips your life apart) conjunct (negative because Mars is a negative planet) predictive Venus (people you love, I guess literally). It points to the fact he got it from someone. Now Charlie has that same predictive Mars square his Uranus going on to square his Pluto. Okay that's bad news and the reason you may not want to see an astrologer. But here's why it's important. It could have been predicted ahead of time, and it tells Charlie that he must take this seriously or he'll be dead. It's that bad. But it's not a death sentence. That would be if Charlie continues his wicked ways. It's a warning as clear as the Universe can make it. Time to use the other method of dealing with all those focal planets -- time to get spiritual.
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