Christopher Dorner, a former police officer, posted a manifesto damning his colleagues before beginning a killing spree to bring attention to his grievances. Though no one condones his method, his message is ringing true for many on the Internet. Did the LAPD do him wrong? Who is this man?
Dormer has a Gemini Sun/Mercury. He's smart. A Neptune opposition, he lies. Saturn, the focal planet for that configuration, gives him tremendous ambition. I have Saturn as a focal planet. You cannot beat us to death, stomp us into the ground or burn us alive. We come back. In his case, is he willing to return at any price? A Venus/Mars conjunction opposite Uranus (unpredictability) gives him little interest in love. And Jupiter, the focal planet, eliminates the ability to relate. This is the key to who he is. He doesn't care about people. Focal Jupiter would also make him heavily invested in group mentality -- like the kind that exists in police departments. Except that he is doing the opposite of that. He is going against his co-workers. Is this another form of togetherness -- of the twisted (negative aspect) variety?
He writes that his problems began in June of 2008, culminating in his firing in January of 2009, except that he was in the most fortunate period at that time, predictive Mars sextile natal Jupiter. So can we assume he egged it on? Is he playing the victim when he was the mastermind of his destruction?
By June of 2010, his positive period is over with predictive Mars square predictive Saturn. Alan Leo describes it as ruination -- that fits. Did he re-think past events with a new and much altered reality? That is indisputable. He's killed three people in his quest for 'justice.' Not much truth going on here. He's the kind of guy that spins the story to suit his mood. Not that I have many kind words for the Los Angeles Police Department -- that's why many are giving him the benefit of doubt. But this time, it's him.
Making this much more interesting, Dorner has re-entered positive Jupiter. Without the time of birth, we don't know exactly when this occurred. But with a $1 million price tag on his head, most likely, it's now. So the question is, will he be captured, killed or live happily ever after? Jupiter will protect him, but he clearly doesn't care about his well-being. However, I've never seen anyone die in Jupiter. His real mission has been accomplished. He wanted to be someone important. He got it in the worst way possible. Saturn as a focal planet and no ability to relate -- this guy has an evil concept of success. Thinking back to Casey Anthony, I'm reminded it only takes one juror to set him free.
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UPDATE1: It appears Christopher Dorner is dead inside a cabin in Big Bear. And the buzz on Twitter is that law enforcement burned it down intentionally.
UPDATE2: When I wrote "burn us alive" that was the second time I wrote this blog. The first draft got lost. Maybe you can burn us alive?