I may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. But what I am is a dedicated researcher. A dog with a bone you might say. I don't quit until I get the answer. To make Xtrology work, I ran, easily, 10,000 charts (over many years) and I compared and contrasted. I took a theory that began in 300 BC by Ptolemy and upgraded in the 1,800's by Placidus at which time it was called Secondary Progressions. You can find it in Wiki and it's not a bad definition. The first thing I figured out is that transits don't work for predictions. 99% of astrologers use transits. I call my theory predictive not secondary progressed because it is second to nothing. I took Ptolemy/Placidus' theory and made it work. They needed computers. I had the advantage of computer as I started my love of astrology just as computers became available -- 1991.
It's taken me over a year to have an opinion on the pandemic. But I am ready to put my research out there for the people that read my blogs. Here is what I have found.
The vaccination is toxic and most likely has long term consequences. I do understand what they are and how they happen, but you can research that yourself. There are many deaths that are not being reported. My next door neighbor died the night of the 2nd shot. A friend's grandmother died two weeks after getting the shot. She was 95, but in perfect health. I only know three people who have had Covid. A client of mine got it -- never went to the hospital. And two friends from Kansas City got it from their granddaughter. Never went to the hospital. Two people died of the shot. Three people got sick from Covid-19.
I kept noticing that poor people and people from sketchy neighborhoods were getting sick and dying. I live in the middle of Hollywood and we're doing fine. Here's something I read that made me think. Covid is a toxin that loves other toxins. So if you're a person with a lot of glyphosates in your body from crappy food, especially fast food, you're a petrie dish for Covid. If you are toxic, you are the person Covid-19 is looking for. It will kill you if it can. And needless to say if you are old, and fat and toxic, you're even more at risk. Why aren't we being told that our state of unhealth is a risk factor? The No. 1 way to survive Covid is to upgrade your immune system. You know the drill. Vitamin D and zinc. Exercise. And clean up your diet.
And what if you do get Covid? There are treatments. The rule is that if there is a treatment, there should not be a vaccine. So the treatments are being censored and labeled false news. But keep in mind, even if you do everything our government is telling you to do, you can still get sick. You still need a treatment. I am going to do nebulized hydrogen peroxide, Ivermectin, and/or hydroxychloroquine. I'm not afraid of this virus. It can be treated -- even for someone like me that is immune compromised.
So there you have it. You can get the vaccine and put your future immune system at risk. You can get sick and not have the information to keep you from long haul complications or death. Or you can eat a clean diet, not get the virus, skip the vaccine. Win/win -- knowing that you still have an element of risk but you will never go to the hospital because you will treat yourself at home.
I'm 100% perfectly okay with being tested, wearing a mask, sanitizing your environment.
If you eat fast food as a steady diet, you are overweight, diabetic, old, living in tight spaces, doing work where you are constantly exposed, you may choose the shot. Hopefully the shot doesn't kill you, because it can. Ironically, the people that need the shot the most are also people at risk from the shot.
Or you can research the possibilities, be informed, and still decide on the shot. You are a smart person and you make this decision. As long as you have thought it through, I respect your choice. I know people that believe this is the only way to eradicate the virus. I would rather see the virus stay and just treat it like you would a cold -- keep in mind I know what immune compromised feels like. The polio argument? There wasn't a known treatment. (There actually was, but no one took it seriously. Watch the movie, "Sister Kenny." That is, if you don't mind challenging conventional thinking. Or you believe, it's all about the money.)
Dr. Joseph Mercola has been my go-to doctor for many years before the pandemic. I didn't see any reason to stop believing him. Today he was named No. 1 on the "Disinformation Dozen" by the CCDH -- whoever they are. Congratulations to Dr. Mercola. Now his message will get out to millions more people along with his his book, "The Truth About Covid-19." Your health is worth a few minutes of your time.
That's it. People don't believe astrology works. People don't believe there is a treatment for Covid-19. I'm a rebel! But I'm also living the dream. Seriously. I wake up in the morning -- not first thing -- and I thank the Universe for allowing me to fulfill my purpose talking to clients that are some of the most fascinating people in the world -- in a locale whose beauty blows me away every second of every day. I am not perfectly healthy. Working on that. But I totally believe I will find the answer. I don't look my age or sound my age. Or feel my age most of the time. I'm doing something right.
My clients are people I make a commitment to. Your happiness is my happiness. For a private consultation, please contact Text or call at 323 217-8365. Questions are welcome. And please read Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter. For Instagram, it's xtrology_of_hollywood. My personal Facebook is "lovinglyMelanie" and my personal Twitter is melanieofhollywood@mmofhollywood.
UPDATE: This is from Dr. Mercola's newsletter, "One of the MATH+ creators, Dr. Joseph Varon, who leads the COVID-19 unit at United Memorial Medical Center (UMMC) in Houston, has been trying to get the word out about the success of MATH+, but has been censored by the media." This protocol will save your life.
UPDATE2: Early outpatient treatment is I-MASK+.