This is not good news for astrology. Because there is something pretty incomprehensible happening in the chart of the young man that massacred innocent people at the premiere of "Dark Knight" in Colorado today.
James Holmes doesn't have an easy birth chart. He has the Mars, Saturn and Uranus in negative aspects that Casey Anthony and Jerry Sandusky have. His Moon is square his Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus. Mars is conjunct Pluto. He didn't grow up in a happy space. But many people have this and don't murder.
Throughout your life, you will experience good cycles and bad cycles. The good ones are the best times of your life. During the bad cycles, you get challenges and just generally, you won't be as content. What is such a startling revelation is that he was in the best cycle possible -- The Jupiter Cycle -- his progressed Venus was sextile his natal and progressed Jupiter. It doesn't get any better than that. My first thought was that he was depressed and someone should have noticed. In Jupiter, your confidence grows. And he had been it for over a year. Was this his 'dream of a lifetime' -- not a cry for help -- a cry for fame? Clearly a deranged mind? Could astrology have warned about this? I'm sorry to say, this time, no.
When the police asked if it was him, his mother said, "You have the right person." Any thoughts?