Mercury will retrograde December 26th at 6:38 a.m. PST in the sign of Capricorn 21 degrees until January 15th at 8:52 a.m. PST when is goes direct at 5 degrees. So if you are born between December 27th to January 13th, it's retrograding on your Sun. And since Mercury rules communication, you might put your foot in your mouth, assuming it fits?
Look at your chart (you can get a very good one at for free) and see where Capricorn falls (only if you have your time of birth). The symbol for Capricorn looks like a VS. Then check out the cusps (the beginning of the houses numbered 1-12) and you will know what part of your chart is affected. Because it's Capricorn, you may find your thoughts turning to things like your career (rules the 10th House of Career) or the dominant parent in your household (growing up). Caution may be the right action during this time or you may feel a basic restriction due to Saturn's (the ruler of Capricorn) nature. Go to and look under astrology lessons for more help.
A Mercury retrograde is more serious for those of you ruled by Mercury, Gemini and Virgo (or with it prominent in your chart), but it will have some impact on the rest of us, too. I don't really know why we place so much emphasis on a Mercury retrograde when the other planets retrograde, too, except the Sun and Moon. So Leo's and Cancer's will never have their ruler retrograde. I WILL BE ANNOUNCING "THE NEWEST ASTROLOGY" AFTER THE 1ST OF THE YEAR, BECAUSE IT'S TIME TO REVIEW OUTDATED RITUALS. At that time, I will suggest that a Jupiter retrograde is as important to Sagittarius as a Mercury retrograde is to Gemini's and Virgo's. We learn something in school and no one ever questions it afterward. Xtrology makes predictions using The New Astrology and will share some of the new rules with you. The reason you can't go to most astrology sites and get predictions is that astrologers are stuck with information from the dark ages, not literally!
The definition of Mercury retrograde is that it's not a positive time to initiate new projects especially if you are picking the date to do something. Just a good idea to stay away. Why not? Generally, it's a good time to do anything that starts with re: like repair, replace, research, rethink.
Overall, not a great deal to worry about -- just don't sign contracts - they're Mercury ruled for all of us. There is a positive side, you may return to the things you did on the retrograde such as a vacation, because return is yet another Mercury retrograde word.