Demi Moore is a Scorpio with a Scorpio Mercury, Venus and Neptune giving her a stellium in a fixed sign in the 8th House of Scorpio ruled by Pluto. And all these fixed planets make up part of her Grand Square -- a relatively rare aspect -- but when you see one, it's trouble. These are difficult people. Since seven planets are in this square she has seven focal planets -- almost impossible to manage. Sun, (narcissistic tendencies), Mercury (not male or female lends an air of detachment), Moon (extremely sensitive, but fixed, it's hidden), Venus (feels no one can love her as she mentioned in HARPER'S BAAZAR), Mars (mad drive), Saturn (crazy ambition) and Neptune (fuzzy on the facts). And just to make her more complicated, Pisces rising.
When I heard she was getting a divorce from Ashton Kucher, I thought, she'll be fine. She's in Jupiter (predictive Sun sextile predictive Jupiter). What I didn't know was the possibility of substance abuse. There are only two ways to negate a Jupiter period: An extremely negative partner or drugs -- especially drugs, because they remove your connection to the Universe. You will very often see this in a person who has too many focal planets, because it is so difficult to get your needs met -- with seven focal planets -- impossible. Pisces in the first five personal planets or the rising sign, and drug addiction rears it's ugly head and undoubtedly a lot of denial.
Demi's done an incredible job putting her empire together. But that's not all good. It means that she's been exerting heavy, heavy control. Fixed signs like Scorpio can do that. When she couldn't hold it together any longer, she exploded with a vengeance and landed herself in the hospital. Because of Jupiter, she's going to be fine for the time being.
The next negative progression is Venus square Saturn at age 57. She turns 50 this year. A difficult natal chart plus a difficult progression equals trouble on a grand scale.