Hailey Glassman is a very vulnerable young lady with Venus as an apex planet (two planets oppose and the apex squares them both). She doesn't feel lovable so she's grateful for any attention. In the extremely humanitarian sign of Aquarius, she is also gullible when people are in trouble. However, with her Moon in Libra, she doesn't like conflict so she's being genuine when she says she is stressed out by Jon. Would she lie for him? In a second. Is she really in pain? She's stressed, but she's also having fun with her Mars trining Mercury. With a very temporary progressed Jupiter squaring Pluto, the next few months are critical.
Jon, as I've mentioned before and is now clearly obvious, is a big liar. If I were Hailey, I wouldn't trust him for a moment. When his big payday comes in July 2010, he'll be trading up. Remember Jon changes his story faster than he changes his clothes. He's an Aries (big baby of the zodiac) and an attention whore if there ever was one.
UPDATE: Â Jon is no longer with Hailey.