This really makes me mad. There are ten doctors, tied to corporate interests, who are trying to remove Dr. Oz from the faculty of Columbia University because of his support of alternative medicine and the labeling of GMO's. Where do I start? Freedom of speech? Un-American? Unethical? Which, by the way, they are calling him.
Dr. Oz is a Gemini with Venus conjunct. And with Mars as a focal planet, he's going to shove it down your throats for your own good!
Right now his chart is okay, but in one year, his predictive Mars will square Pluto. Not good at all. Someone around him could die. Mars (in a negative aspect) always calls for your life to be shaken and stirred. Help support the riddance of The Dark Act which will allow the federal government to tell states how to label food i.e. no GMO labeling!!! We need to get this done fast. On his site, sign his petition. You can still eat GMO's, you'll just know they're in there.
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