The normal formula for success is preparation plus a Jupiter progression. Dr. Phil had the first part of the formula when he received his Master's Degree in psychology.
Then he had his ever-so-lucky Jupiter progression beginning in 2002 when his show, "Dr. Phil" aired for the first time. It was uphill after that. Next his Mercury trined that same Jupiter and then his Venus -- lasting until the beginning of this year, 2009.
Natally, he is a Virgo with a Libra Mercury (how he communicates) conjunct Neptune (fuzzy thinking). One planet conjuncting another gives both, the characteristics of the other -- so he communicates like a Libra (phony or charming) in a Neptune (this is going to sound like I want it to sound) manner. Add to that Pisces rising (ruled by Neptune) and no question you get a person who can bend the facts. His apex planet is fixed Venus (doesn't feel loved) and fixed Pluto (torn between the ruthless need to fulfill ambitions and the desire to be spiritual -- one of which will eventually dominate).
Robin McGraw is a Libra with a Libra Moon and Neptune, all conjunct. You can probably see where this is going. (Dr. Phil has two Libra planets in his 7th House. Libra's natural home.) Her Mercury and Venus are in Virgo (Dr. Phil's Sun sign). Her apex planet is cardinal Uranus creating an explosive unstable temperament. Apex planets are always weak areas of a chart.
Together, these two can sell snow to the Eskimos because facts aren't particularly important to them.
But as they are getting hit with yet another lawsuit, what will the result be?Between 2002 and 2008, their company was bullet-proof due to the positive Jupiter in his chart.
Now Jupiter is gone. But as luck would have it, Dr. Phil will again have a positive Jupiter progression in 2011. Since it's 2009, now, there is still time for mischief.
Robin's chart was good at the time the suit was filed. But, and this is a big but, by 2011, her progressed Mars is opposing Jupiter -- only the good guy in a positive aspect. Oppositions are negative. My understanding is that the suit relies on promises made by Robin, making her the primary defendant, astrologically. Therefore, if this lawsuit lasts until 2011 and the focus is on Robin, the two women will prevail -- keeping in mind Dr. Phil has his positive Jupiter progression back at that same time -- so the result is not written in stone. It would really get interesting if the McGraw's were not together at that time.
There is little doubt in my mind Dr. Phil has some karma coming his way. It may seem like forever, but when those three progressed planets, (Sun, Mercury, Venus) traveling together, oppose his Moon in 2014, he won't be in a very good mood. And Jupiter is no longer there to save him. Old age can be a bitch.