This one is a full moon lunar eclipse @ 13 degrees 35 minutes Aquarius @ 5:39 PDT.
It will affect people who have a planet 9-17 degrees Aquarius or Leo (opposition). Some astrologers think the squares count, too, and that would be Scorpio and Taurus at the same degrees. This is natal and progressed planets, if you know your chart.
The way it affects you depends on the planet it aspects. If you were born between January 29th and February 6th or August 8th to 10th (by opposition) it will aspect your Sun. Note the sign and house. The Sun is you or your ego and also the men in your life. A positive result could be the completion of a project or because it can represent men, it might be your significant other. The negative result could be a problem with you and something that affects your ego or the man in your life with his career or health or just your relationship with him.
The Sun as the ruler of the Fifth House of Children, it could also be your children.
Astrologers have many different opinions as to how long an eclipse lasts. My experience is that when it happens, the energy is released, and I feel much better. I give it another two weeks just to get the energy away from me. Others will give it a much longer time that it can still have an impact on your life.
But keep in mind eclipses, eclipse. Something that was, is no more. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. For those of you this touches, good luck with the results. Remember, if you have no planet at those degrees, it won't have any influence in your life at all except that it is the last aspect of August 5th so it still is not a great day to look for good things to happen.