The next lunar full moon eclipse is on New Years Eve at 10 degrees Cancer. This will be important to you if you have a 7-13 degree planet in Cancer (conjunction) or Capricorn (opposition). You can get a free chart at As long as the date is correct, you will get the degrees of your planets with the exception of the Moon which could be off without the time of birth.
I find that most often the energy of an eclipse preceeds it. So now would be the time you might notice something happening. As it is Cancer (which rules the mother) and Capricorn (which rules the father or the dominant parent), you may want to take a look at what's going on with them. Or it could be your home, the one you live in or your family. Capricorn rules the 10th House of Career, so that is another possibility.
An eclipse on the:
Sun is yourself, your Father, your children
Moon is definitely your family, your Mother
Mercury is a communication issue, brothers and sisters
Venus is someone you love, your looks, money
Mars is an anger issue, cars, guns, violence
Jupiter is over-doing something, money, the law
Saturn is definitely your work, could be your health
Uranus is a sudden event, something electrical
Neptune is a deception, drugs
Pluto is anyone in power, surgery, other people's money
Generally eclipses are considered negative events although some astrologers disagree. I don't find that eclipses will change the course of your life. But I do see minor events occurring. And falling on something which is already negative is not a good thing.
Eclipses, eclipse. So you may lose in the area in which the eclipse takes place. If this eclipse hits your Venus, a love interest may disappear.
The house this falls in is also important, but you will only have that information if you know the time of your birth. For information about houses, go to and click on Astrology Lessons.
Because this is happening on New Year's Eve, you may want to be especially careful that night. If this does not hit a planet in your chart, it does not apply to you, but be careful anyway. You want to bring the new year with a bang, the good kind.
Addendum: On Christmas day, I went out to drive to a party and my car battery was dead. The eclipse at 10 degrees opposed my 12 degree Mars (cars) in Capricorn. My car battery got eclipsed.
Addendum to addendum: My best friend went to her Palm Springs house and found she had been robbed. The eclipse was exactly on her Uranus (the planet of surprises).