New Moon solar eclipse 11:07 PST at 25 degrees Capricorn. This eclipse affects Capricorn Sun people born between January 13 & 19th and Cancer Sun people born between July 15th & 21st and anyone with a planet 22 to 28 degrees Capricorn or Cancer. You can get a free chart at As long as your date and place are correct, the degrees of the planets will be correct with the exception of the Moon. (For more information on how to erect that chart, go to, Lesson No. 1).
Most of the energy of an eclipse preceeds it, so you will be feeling it now. Generally if one of your planets is affected, there will be an event where something is taken away or eclipsed. My battery was dead last month when the eclipse was opposition my Mars (cars). A friend of mine went to her Palm Springs home and it had been robbed. The eclipse hit her Uranus (unexpected events). This eclipse was also on the Cancer/Capricorn axis. Cancer rules your home and Capricorn, your job.
Some astrologers believe the new Moon or solar eclipse is a time of beginnings, initiation, renewed energy and vitality, excitement and stimulation. I find that you may have a new beginning, but it will be because something has been taken away. My car has a new battery. My friend has a new alarm system. I guess you could call these things new beginnings. Generally, I side with the old definition of it being a time you lose something. Usually the event will be relatively minor, but if some other aspects are in place, it can even be death especially if it hits your Pluto. People with Pluto in Cancer at those degrees are born August 1932 to July 1938 (with a few exceptions due to a retrograde).
Look to see if the degree of the eclipse matches a planet in your chart. If it's on the
Sun, yourself, father, children
Moon, home, feelings, mother, women in general
Mercury, communication, brother & sisters, short travel
Venus, people you love, beauty, can be money
Mars, cars, violence, guns, energy
Jupiter, money, excess, the law
Saturn, father, people in authority, work, health
Uranus, the Internet, anything electrical, sudden events
Neptune, drugs, deception, bodies of water
Pluto, people in power, surgery, other people's money, psychic
The house (only if you have the time) the eclipse falls in is also important. If it's in the:
1st, yourself, your body
2nd, money, things you value
3rd, communication, short trips, brothers or sisters
4th, home, family, mother
5th, children, creative projects, gambling
6th, health, work, small animals
7th, relationships, partnerships
8th, other people's money, psychic experiences, surgery, death
9th, higher education, foreigners, foreign travel, religion
10th, career, the government, father
11th, friends, important people, wishes & dreams
12th, hospitals, prisons, karma, behind the scenes
If you had an experience with the last eclipse or this one, please leave a comment.
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