We are having a partial lunar eclipse on June 4th, 2012. It's in the sign of Sagittarius at 14 degrees. The Moon as the fastest moving planet has only a minor ability to affect our lives. An eclipse puts the Moon on steroids. In the year 2012, there will be on four. If it comes within 3 degrees (either side) of your Sun or any other planet in your astrology chart (or any planets at the same degrees of Gemini as opposites count for eclipses), you may have an event -- which is to say you will notice the effect the eclipse.
I've been reading about a lot of astrologers romanticizing the eclipse and the fact that Venus will be at a similar degree in the opposite sign of Gemini . But you can't make an eclipse something it is not. Eclipses take away. They are not sudden happy surprises -- that's the job of Uranus in good aspect. Eclipses eclipse. It was there and then it's not. And the fact that Venus is in orb of the eclipse may have an effect. It may 'color' the circumstances. It could make the event about someone you love. And it could, possibly, tone down the results a little since Venus conjunct a planet is a good aspect. However, a Venus opposition a planet is not. So whether you are Sadge or Gemini, you have an opposition. Either the eclipse is opposite you or Venus is as they are happening in opposite signs.
You will be affected if you were born December 3-9 or June 2-8. Also if you have any planets at 14 degrees Sagittarius or Gemini (use a 3 degere orb either side). Sagittarius is truth/lies, foreign place and people, high education and religion. Gemini is communication, truth/lies, brothers and sisters and short trips. If you have your astrology chart notice the house where the eclipse takes place. Refer to Astrology Lessons at the top of Xtrology for definitions.
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