I'm obsessed. I admit it. I do not like Elizabeth Warren. She's capable. She's intelligent. It's her morals and ethics I disagree with. And it is the No. 1 qualification for being president. I don't like the fact that she wouldn't shake Bernie's hand in front of millions of people. I don't like her attacks on Mike Bloomberg, who really is a good guy. Not perfect. That won't happen with anyone. But much more good than bad. She effectively blew him out of the race for president with her vicious attacks.
Asked why she hasn't endorsed a candidate. She says she's focused on this crisis -- the coronavirus crisis. Bullshit. The reason is she's now looking to being VP because her ambition is endless. She is putting her attention grabbing needs before the good of the country. She whispers when she talks. That creeps me out. I wonder what a psychologist would say about that.
Elizabeth Warren is a Cancer Sun/Venus/Uranus. Cancer people are sensitive. As water signs, they soak up the energy around them. Her Mercury and Mars are in Gemini -- the sign that lies especially in Mercury despite it's rulership there. But she's smart. Too smart. She can do a lot of good if you lock her in an office. Her Moon is exalted in Taurus. She can keep her cool. Libra rising makes some people find her pleasant. It squares her Sun meaning there's a lot going on underneath that you don't see. And Libra as charming as this sign is, the rising sign always brings out the negative qualities. For Libra it is passive/aggressive anger. Liz is deeply angry.
Currently Warren has predictive Venus conjunct predictive Neptune - actually just over. That's all about lying. Predictive Mercury has also just left a square to Uranus. More lying. Her natal Neptune is also squares all the Cancer planets. She was born a liar. I think she's lying about the kind of person she really is. She's small. She's petty. She's does not have the emotional constitution to hold a high office. Also her predictive Sun is conjunct predictive Saturn. This can translate into health problems. It's also a restriction. And it's depression. She's suffering from profound depression. She can't bring herself to admit that she lost. Her ego won't allow it. Her giant, out-of-control ego. The Moon is her focal planet. She's way too invested in her feelings. She's been quiet because she's devastated that her charade didn't work as planned.
For a private reading, please contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please read Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter. On Instagram, it's xtrology_of_hollywood. I am offering a $50 chart, one person, one half hour, billed by Paypal -- if you would like to know your coronavirus risk. This is what astrology does best. I'm not a doctor. It's not about that. Astrology is the energy around you which can be negative or positive. In a negative cycle, you must take more precautions and that includes your health, but it also predicts your ability to survive this chaos & your chances for success afterwards. You may not be at risk for the virus, but this pandemic is affecting many other areas of your life. Shoot me an email. Happy to answer questions. Stay safe.