Eva's one of the golden girls with Sun conjunct Jupiter, hers in Pisces. The Pisces part of her sees things the way she wants to see them and the Jupiter conjunction makes her life easier than most. Tony's proclivity for cheating may have been obvious to the entire remainder of the world. That's how Pisces operate. They see what they want to see. And if she wanted to overlook his cheating, she would. Eva is in a Jupiter period. Things are going her way and they will continue to. Perhaps, Texas for her isn't all that. With Saturn as a focal planet, she's a climber. She's moving ahead and nothing and no one will get in her way. Underneath the Jupiter thing, she has progressed Mars square progressed Venus. Any other time, this relationship would be doomed. But Jupiter changes everything. Eva is in control. It's looks to me like Taurus Tony is suffering. He has the Moon in Pisces as a focal planet. So he's a little misguided himself. He was a little unhappy with the marriage. He may have married when he did because she wanted it. He may have preferred to spend more time single. But he's not happy right now at all. The transiting Uranus is sitting exactly on Eva's Sun. Uranus rules divorce. And she filed. So she's pissed. But the first of the year Uranus moves into the sign of Aries. Eva may not like spending the holidays alone. She just might change her mind. This will all depend whether or not Tony can convince her he's ready to be married. But here's the problem. Neptune (deceit) is opposition Tony's natal Mercury (communication). He's a liar. But that doesn't mean he can't be faithful to Eva, but it does mean she will have to continually check on him. Will she want to do that? If he isn't begging yet, he will be. I think she may take him back. They love each other. Let's hope the dirt doesn't keep flying, because that seems to be the turning point for celebrities -- how embarrassing it gets.