Gary Coleman is an Aquarius who wasn't one of the lucky people. Fame at such a young age for someone this sensitive (with the Moon as a focal planet) may not have been a blessing. Aquarians by nature care about humanity and really want everyone to get what they need. And often, they deny that they also need nurturing. With his Mars in Pisces it was difficult for him to find direction. Like the fish it symbolizes, Mars in Pisces tends to swim in many, too many directions. Natal Neptune in Scorpio squares his Sun, and we all know about delusional Neptune in a square (negative). It plays with the reality of the situation. So Gary, probably, never really understood where he stood in the big scheme of things. And with his sensitive nature -- never felt he belonged.
Astrologically, it looks like the end came because of his numerous health problems and probably the fact that he didn't pay as much attention to them as he should have. Today he has his Sun (himself) inconjunct (needs adjusting) Jupiter (over-doing). And Mars (energy) inconjunct Neptune (things unknown). But his undoing was Jupiter moving out of it's natal sign and squaring his Neptune, progressed and natal. Squares are the most difficult to overcome and Neptune tells us the actual cause may have been hidden. And since these are both really slow moving planets, this aspect was sticking around for years into the future. In order for a death to occur, transiting Pluto (death) was square his Saturn (health). So Gary, once again, had come on hard times. He also had his progressed Moon (feelings) squaring Saturn (health). So he was feeling discouraged about his prospects. And he was right. Unlike Bret Michaels, Gary couldn't catch a break.