He's sensitive. You would be too if you had five planets squaring your Moon -- which is the emotional nature. Sometimes it just gets to be too much.
His astrological aspects aren't all that bad. His progressed Sun to Jupiter and progressed Mars to Neptune are inconjunct which means he will have to make adjustments -- but overall not that significant. It's his natal chart that is the problem.
Let's look at his natal Moon and what it is like to have this kind of negative energy. First, it is the focal planet of Mars & Mercury in Pisces opposing Jupiter, Pluto & Uranus in Virgo. So focal planet mutable Gemini is easily triggered, extremely sensitive and often perceives outside influences as threatening. He desperately needs nurturing and support in his relationships.
Next his Mars squares his Moon. He is easily angered. Mercury also squares his Moon. Probably as a child he was forced to deal with his mother's anger. So he doesn't discuss emotional upsets and tends to explode. Jupiter also squares creating, can you believe it, more emotionally irritated responses. Then there is Pluto squaring the Moon which always causes control issues so when people aren't doing what he wants... Finally a square to Uranus, the explosive planet. creating a real inability to work through a crisis.
You've got to feel a little sorry for this little guy. Life hands him lemonade and then it turns into lemons, he is especially unequipped to handle it.
Nothing particular going to happen here. He has a so-so year, but it's his so-so life that's getting to him. The best thing he could do to level out the emotional playing field is to help others. Gary is also quite smart. He should consider studying, a solitary experience, and one that will keep him away from people until he gets his feet back on dry land.