Gene Hackman died with his predictive Mars exactly on his natal Uranus!!!! Both malefic planets. Trust me. Hackman did not fall asleep and pass away quietly. Not a chance. His frail body was on the floor with his sunglasses beside him. Predictive Mars is violence. It can be car accidents, gun shots, knives, a surgeon cutting. Always it is anger, hate, revenge. It can be an event that leaves you breathless — like the death of someone you love that devastates you. But minimum it is getting punched in the face. For you, if it’s in your chart. But what if it’s in the chart of someone else? Sorry. But they didn’t go calmly. It was violent. On some level, it was horrible. This is not what you want to happen to someone you love. Gene also had that same Mars squaring Saturn.
I was in a minor car accident once, but I was thrown onto the floor of the passenger side. What I remember was the feeling. And I remember thinking I do not want to die this way. It was as if I had violence stamped on my soul. It would have been a forceful, unexpected and brutal shove into the unknown. I fully believe someone comes to get you. That the transition to the other side is beautiful. And loving. You are transitioned slowly. It is a process. This is not what happened to Gene Hackman, a man that didn’t deserve this ending. I am angry.
Gene is an Aquarius Sun/Venus/Moon. His rising sign is Aquarius. It is the highest sign of the Zodiac. Aquarius people are humanitarians. They rarely get involved in the lower activities. Aquarius is the only sign of the twelve that is not jealous. They are just too high-minded for that kind of activity. The one possibility is that he was hard to reach. Hard to connect with. Air signs fly above and into the clouds and rarely land unless they have earth planets.
His Mars was exalted in Capricorn (an earth planet) along with his Mercury there and Saturn in its rulership. All in the, get ready, 11th House of Aquarius! Ha! More Aquarius. He has one focal planet, Uranus. He could handle crazy stuff. Overlook it or be involved in it but most likely on the outside looking in. His squares are Uranus in Aries squaring those Capricorn planets. You always have something. Everyone does. Pluto also opposes his 11th House planets. But overall, this had to be a gentle person. A good guy.
And let’s not forget his beautiful wife, Betsy Arakawa, and his dog also found dead at the scene. Rest in peace for this couple and their fur child who reside now in heaven. Regardless of how difficult it was to get there. The good, I guess, don’t only die young, they die hard.
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