It is interesting that Goop rhythms with poop. Gwyneth, we know, has no negative predictive planets. So is it Chris Martin of COLDPLAY that wants out?
Chis is a Pisces Sun. He has five focal planets: Moon (fixed so he has emotional sensitivity but hides it), Mars (mucho determination), Jupiter (part of a culture or group), Saturn (uber-ambitious) and Uranus (different to be different). Five focal planets? Complicated.
Want to know something interesting? Both have Saturn conjunct the Moon -- same thing as the difficult Moon in Capricorn (Saturn=Capricorn) -- extreme charm coupled with a big shot of meanness. They were together for ten years. I smell a lot of ambition involved, and she met him just weeks after her father's death. Were they charming each other to death or stabbing each other in the back?
Chris currently has predictive Mars (rips your life apart) square natal Neptune (deception). The Bite Me Transit is hitting his natal Pluto (transformation). It's that was simple. Those rumors about Gwyneth cheating? Most likely true. The separation is his idea. Period. Goop is not happy with the "conscious uncoupling." It wasn't her timing.
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