I want to be the first person to say goodby to this show. The producers took this very talented gay guy, well, the show is stupid. But what determines whether success takes hold? Is it your talent, your production values or is it your astrology Xtrology chart? You probably know where I'm going.
Ross has a Libra Sun, Mercury, Venus, Neptune -- very Libra, very charming. Moon in Scorpio in it's fall. He can be jealous and even, mean, sometimes. Lurking below that sunny personality is a monster -- will show up mostly in close relationships. Mars in Cancer squaring all those Libra planets, don't mess with Ross. Actually if you're in show biz, a little brassiness can help you traverse the pitfalls.
So what do his predictions say? Ross has predictive Mars square natal and predictive Uranus. And predictive Mercury square Jupiter. Yikes! He also has predictive Mars trine natal and predictive Uranus and Venus sextile Saturn conjunct predictive Uranus. Those won't help much against the earlier aspects. But, and here it is, he has predictive Sun sextile Jupiter!!! Do those other negative aspects count? Yes. They will probably rear their ugly heads, but still he is protected by the power of Jupiter -- a fender-bender, a smidgen of bad publicity? Too gay, maybe. Of course, no one will actually say that. The Bite Me transit -- all over his 9 degree Venus and 10 degree Mercury. And his uninteresting/unflattering show "Hello Ross?" It probably will survive on some level or another -- hoping they revamp it.
Ross will have his out-of-sign Jupiter sextile his Moon (don't know exactly when since without the time, the Moon's degree is uncertain) for approximately 12 years (think Chris Jenner). We're going to be seeing a lot more of him in the future. By the way, Ross the Intern (Jay Leno reference) is also with the person he loves. Jealous!
For a private reading, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter.