For those of you that read my blog, you know that I predicted for Hillary and Trump that their reputations would take a massive hit if they ran for president. Each had Mercury in a negative aspect, and it can ruin your social standing -- sometimes without you doing anything. But, obviously, the last thing you should do is invite criticism.
I read an article yesterday that really stopped me in my tracks where it was reported that Bill Clinton hates Hillary's book. He thinks it's a massive excuse for why she lost -- taking no credit herself. He supposedly threw it in the trash after he marked it up and she ignored him. He also thought the title, WHAT HAPPENED, would lead to people to say "you lost." Right? And he told her to campaign in the rust belt states (the critical states that caused her to lose electoral votes) and she refused. I believe this because these two people are square to each other -- Leo and Scorpio. It hits the fan eventually.
Today Jeff Sessions, the the Attorney General, is considering going after her for the Clinton Foundation and selling a uranium company to Russia. My first thought was that she should have bowed out and made herself scarce -- not write a book that drew attention to her. She lost. Excuses are sad. We all have an opinion as to what happened, and Hillary is vulnerable. I would have told her to disappear. This administration is hostile to you and your chart says your reputation is vulnerable. Lay low.
The fatal aspect predictive Mercury square Neptune is all but over. However the predictive Sun is also squaring her Mercury for a little longer and predictive Venus is inconjuncting Mars/Pluto. Just say no, Hillary. Your ego is showing, and it is not a pretty sight.
Donald Trump is meant to be president. The Universe is never wrong. This is us getting spanked for all the lapses in judgment and our endless elitism. If we get away from the blame, which does us no good now, we can concentrate on getting back to being the people we are proud to be. And if we stay stuck on the pettiness, can it actually get worse? Because who thought we'd ever get here?
For a private consultation, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit Xtrology on Facebook and Twitter. Christmas is coming. The perfect gift for that person that has everything? And Xtrology reading to start the new year. Of course!