Problem child, Brandi Glanville, just got herself fired from "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" along with Kim Richards (See "#RHOBH Getting Mean") and Yolanda Foster who is suffering from Lyme Disease. And it's not very difficult to see why this girl attracts negative attention -- and why she loves it.
Brandi is a Scorpio Sun so already we know she is a secretive water sign who gets her feelings hurt a lot more than she ever admits. She also has the dreaded Mars in Libra, the most passive/aggressive combo of all. But adding to that her Venus and Mars are in the same sign, making that Mars have Venus (i.e. more Libra qualities) and really kicking in her complete devotion to getting back at anyone who thinks about crossing her. Two more Libra signs are her Uranus and her Pluto. So that makes Mars conjunct Uranus/Pluto. Anger with a flair for the unexpected. With her Moon in Aquarius, not a bad Moon really, but it squares her Sun so when she was born, something was dreadfully wrong and most likely she wasn't wanted on some level -- obviously not her fault, but her still her karma.
With her Mercury in Sagittarius, she runs her mouth and Neptune right next to it -- lies abound. And there you have it, trouble. It's just not her nature to get along. Things are never right with her. She basically doesn't really like anyone. She thinks everyone has it better than she does (and will regardless of the circumstances and isn't there always someone?). She's cranky, and she's staying that way.
But all that might make for good reality TV if it were not for the fact for the last couple of years her predictive Sun (her) has squared (bad) Pluto (power). Someone in power, I'm guessing Lisa Vanderpump was the driving force behind her exit. Maybe someone at Bravo, too. But the powers that be, kicked her to the corner -- just because they could -- and because she didn't consult Xtrology who would have advised tremendous caution at this juncture in her career. She was thinking stirring it up would keep her employed and, no, not with these aspects. You can't mess with people more powerful than you under these influences. Sometimes you just have to shut up. What works in one instance, doesn't work in another.
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