He has a very negative chart right now. Venus which is your love life or people you love or love you is square (bad) his Jupiter (over-doing things). So things at home are not that great. He's not happy. Also his progressed Mercury (communications) is square his natal nodes (karma) another reason to believe there is disharmony. And finally with transiting Pluto sitting right on his progressed Mars (violence), arguments are likely.
With Neptune being one of his focal planets in the fixed sign of Scorpio, he has tendencies to lie and cheat. So I would bet, if he's ever going to do that, it would be now. The other fixed focal planet is Mars, and as all focal planets are negative, this could make him combative with a lot of energy to do it.
Matt's a bad boy trying to play a good boy. And at this time, he's stressed because of stress aspects in his chart. So how do you think he would handle this?