He is. But he's also sneaky. One of my very least favorite placements is natal Mars in Libra. Beware. These people are passive-aggressive. They hurt you, but they pretend they didn't or they didn't mean to.
Simon gets his famous mouth from his Moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Sadges are known for their inability to say anything but the first thing that crosses their minds. Rarely are they mean spirited. They're just "honest."
His focal planet is cardinal Saturn so his weakness is his overwhelming ambition. Mr. Nasty worked for what he has. Another quality of that focal planet is that he is quick to resent anyone who gets in his way. It's rare you find these people dealing with a sense of inadequacy -- no one's ever doubted his confidence.
Simon currently has progressed Sun square Venus. Guess that's what happened to longtime companion, Terri Seymour? But it's what's happening next year, 2010, that should cause Simon some worry. His progressed Sun squares Pluto. The definition of which could be the loss of a loved one. Pluto ruling the 8th House of Money, it could also have financial implications. And powerful people are also represented by Pluto. However, it plays out, it won't be an easy year. Progressed squares always portend difficulty.
UPDATE: Dumping a long-time girlfriend and getting engaged to another woman is the definition of passive-aggressive.