Janet Jackson recently had a baby at the age of 50. And to add to the drama, she's left the baby's daddy. He "allowed" her to take the little one on tour, but now he wants custody. And, of course, he's rich. How's that going to go?
Janet is a Taurus with her Mars and Mercury there. Taurus is the money sign and also known to be stubborn -- like stuck in concrete. So she's not planning on losing her baby to the baby daddy. What I love, and I've said it before, is her Scorpio rising. I know too many of these people. To give you a recent example of mine, a very close friend I've known for 15 years called me the other day and told me she wishes my boyfriends would die. No argument. No nothing. She was having a mood. Scorpio rising. They are vicious when activated. All Scorpios are angry. Born angry.
Janet's Moon and Venus are in Aries, known for its selfishness and anger because it is ruled by Mars. Before Pluto was discovered, Scorpio was ruled by Mars. Get my drift?.
Currently Janet has predictive Mars square Saturn. Not a winner. She is, however, one of the lucky people that had a twelve year Jupiter. It's just that it's been over for a year. Twelve years before that life was her oyster. She also has Sun trine Moon and predictive Venus sextile Venus. Sorry but the positive doesn't outweigh the negative -- unless it's Jupiter. And right now predictive Jupiter is square her predictive Venus. Two squares and you're cooked. It will be a trying time. This is when you get humble and run away from a fight (because you have an excellent chance of losing).
Little Miss Janet is going to get a dose of what most of us live with. Life is difficult. We know for sure is that a battle is about to begin. And this time, Janet has no magic weapons. Being Janet is not enough this time. We all get Jupiter, but sometimes it's better than others.
For a private reading, contact melanie@xtrology.com. And please visit us on Facebook and Twitter. Looking for an unusual gift for an unusual person? Nothing better than an Xtrology reading. And currently any December reading will be 25% off. Can do it in person, phone or email. So no excuses. Please feel free to send any questions you have. All are welcome. And remember you or your friend may be in Jupiter in 2018. You want to know that.